重點技巧:★向頭部射擊那麼一顆子彈就可以解決殭屍★盡可能快速射擊那麼您可以得到高分★當您面對殭屍Boss時 一定要先擊碎它的頭盔★子彈都可以穿牆所以你可以在看見它們之前就乾掉它們★手雷傷害只會針對殭屍
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Counter Terrorist 2-Gun Strike
Thanks for our fans' love and great suggestions to our Counter Terrorist - Critical Strike.Our t
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Thanks for our fans' love and great suggestions to our last two versions of Counter Terrorist.He
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用最快速度衝刺!躲閃對面的障礙! 在規定時間內衝過終點!解鎖日本忍術/中國功夫/孫悟空的神技! ★可以使用日本忍術,中國功夫甚至孫悟空神技。★超快節奏,在遊戲中可以飛簷走壁。 ★畫面最棒的跑酷遊戲之一
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Most Important Tips:★Shoot the heads★Shoot fast★Bullet can pass through walls★Grenades won't hur
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Maybe you are our zombie game fans,and here we are happy to share with you our new product :Counter
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Winter was coming...all lives were gone,but justice wasn't...Yes, you were dead as a human being
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